
Politics is corrupt to its core. But, we don’t need to start frow scratch… We are a Republic. The Laws of the U.S. Constitution are still the benchmark in the long progress of Individual Rights.

One of the most profound safeguards for the Peoples’ Right of self-governance is Article 5 of the Constitution, which describes creating new Laws for Constitutional Amendments by either (1) Congress, or (2) 3/4ths of the States by means of a ‘US Constitutional Convention of the States’ to Add, Nullify or Change any Federal policy or law..

If a National effort of the People was organized to elect local Representatives to State Governments, then the sovereignty of the States could implement Article 5 of the Constitution to create new Amendments to State and US Constitutions within a few short years.

Any Amendment that the People want, can be written into the Constitution as Supreme Law. The time is NOW for the true Will of the People to be in control. The People need to take back Our Government and our Lives, from the corruption and waste of Representative Democracy.

The time is NOW for the People to unite in peace and opportunity for all. The world has changed, and new technologies can unite the ‘Good Will’ of Nature and Human instincts. We the People can unite to take Sovereignty of our lives like never never before.


1) The Gestalt, aka our mental foundation of reality…

We, The People, need to first understand what our Rights and Freedoms are as a Sovereign Soul, before we can forfeit any of those Rights to any person, Nation or any other Authority. Only God, the Universe and Destiny should control the Fate of any human soul. No one gets a choice to what country we are born in or what laws they must obey.

Each person is in a controled environment from the perceptions we choose to accept or ignore. We are conditioned to millions of impressions, which build our habits. Our ‘Free Will’ to use our voice and actions create the world around us. The analogies of religions and mythology hint at the ancient Wisdom every human soul is next to godliness.

We are in control of Reality in our attitudes and behavior. Our only limit is our knowledge and our imagination. Time and perseverance is the secret to creating any idea possible. We are all eternal souls on an infinite journey to learn and grow in this world and beyond.  Once we know what we are, each of us needs to know why our ‘soul’ is here… your Purpose in Life, which is not working the prime hours of your life, doing things you don’t really want to do.

Our human bodies are the greatest organic machine ever created, which allows our Souls to experience both the physical and spiritual worlds. It is the Soul and Spirit Consciousness, inside each of our body’s, which is on a greater eternal journey through time and space. Few people really understand that ‘Reality’ is an inseparable duality between a ‘material world’ and the subtle and mysterious ‘layer or dimension’ of an intangible Spirit Realm of Consciousness. It is our Conscious which is the center of each of our Uni-verse, and together we create the Multi-verse of the Existence we share.

The instinct within every individual is to experience freedom, peace, happiness and the opportunity to grow. By first recognizing our own Soul and the Soul in everyone we see, can we grow as both individual Sovereign Spirits, and a Conscious Collective Spirit for even greater possibilities. Not only can we raise up our own lives, but together we can help to raise all of humanity and our planet. Together, we can find better ways to survive and thrive in our shared future. By working towards greater possibilities and cooperative common goals, societies can learn from proven ideas and methods. The possibilities of communication and technology can free humankind from our past mistakes, our present troubles, and our future needs. As we enter a New Era of Technology, Knowledge and Enlightenment, we must first understand, that each of our souls’ are in ultimate control of our destiny, by the ‘free will’ of our choices and actions.

II) Choices

We can all imagine a ‘Reality’ of our planet working in better ways than is currently available. Less bills, more free time, more opportunities to do what we want. We may never know the real ‘TRUTH’ of how this planet works or ‘WHO’ is in control of our options, but we do know that Humanity is on the verge of a catastrophe, or a ‘Greatness’ like we have never witnessed before. Our world has changed. It seems everyone has some sort of battle to fight. Most of us are spiritually, mentally, physically, and financially exhausted from the ‘traps’ we consume as our habitual way of life. There are two possible outcomes on our horizon. One is the Orwellian ‘dystopia’ where most of humanity is controlled and suppressed by an elite class who rules behind closed doors…

Or, humanity can create and explore new social, political, economic ideas and Institutions for a ‘Greater Good’. We all want a better life, and together ‘We’ have the potential to create, restore, respect and live in a better world, with Nature and each other. Only by collectively working together to find the best ideas, with technology as a Common Good, can ‘We’ realize a future utopia. A better world is possible, by creating a society based on our common wants and needs, and more importantly, a world that guarantees every soul has the freedoms and opportunities ‘We’ all know and want in our hearts. The next step on the road to a Government free from corruption and abuse can only be had with the People as the ultimate Authority. We each need to have real integration with the world live in, and no single person or group has all the answers.

The history of governments has been to tax it’s people to enrich the army and economy. Only by uniting for the common goal of the future, can We stop this planet from the waste, corruption and terror which is now in control. The entire natural resources used to be as plentiful as the Northeast Pacific Forests, which now look like a checkerboard of destruction in mile wide squares, as can be seen on satellite photos. A hundred years ago the entire Pacific Coast was a natural paradise with millions of salmon in every river down past Los Angles. We The People need to reclaim the Natural Resources of the Land, to provide jobs, opportunities and a prosperous living for millions and millions of People who need uplifted, so that the entire world can thrive. Only a workforce shared by The People is strong enough to rebuild the Nation so everyone can thrive.

III) Governance

What if a Government could organize the strengths Of the People, By and For the People? The People act as the Caretakers of the Nation, State and local affairs.  A Public which is informed and organized with each other, to protect and provide for at local and national levels, to support and uplift our neighborhoods, society and the Resources of the Nation and People?

The Constitution provides great direction for the Nation to organize together, with Ultimate Authority in the Sovereignty of the People. Starting with personal ‘Soul Sovereignty’ then extending out to our friends and families, then communities, cities, States and Nation, together humanity can reach unprecedented Realizations, which we all can imagine.

A Government’s Purpose is to protect the Freedoms of every individual, not restrict it.  The long struggle and journey of a Government; Of the People, By the People and For the People has taken hundreds of years to evolve to today’s standard. From the decrees of overloads to current laws, the progress of Democracy of the People has made progress towards the great goals of a free society.

IV) Collective Democracy

We need to unite as a new collective political ‘party’ of Sovereign Citizens’ the legal way of the Constitution. The wheels of Government are clogged from corruption, and new avenues are needed to protect the People from Their Representatives. It was predicted that Congress would become corrupt, and a secondary method of Amending the Constitution was given to the States, so that local politics could prevail. Article 5 of the Constitution allows for cooperation between 3/4ths of States’ Legislation can issue an Amendment to add or nullify the Constitution. A Constitutional Convention of the States is the only way we can change our current political debacle. If The People could organize and occupy offices at local levels, then local and National Laws could be quickly changed, by the Will of the People.

Imagine in two years, proposals to rebuild the Natural Resource of California’s mountains and rivers, into thriving forests and communities, which support each other. Land ranches and corporate greed has destroyed the once inexhaustible ecosystems of the Western Coast, now mostly barren for a few cattle to roam. United, We the People can turn the wasted lands of California, into forests with self-sustainable communities, creating opportunities now and for the future. In 50 years if ‘We’ work together, California can be developed into a Resource ‘Of the People’ to provide jobs, housing, food, power, water and fun for millions. Wildlife, ecology and water management is a resource which returns 10x on the investment, in food, recreation, real property for more people and new communities, and more.

From the rich to the poor, and all who want and need new opportunities can benefit from decentralized and self-regulated systems of organization. New economies and industries working with Nature cultivating the right balance of agriculture, natural ecosystems, and our human needs. Not only can new we create opportunities for today, but in less than 10 years Nature’s countless creatures and beauty can start towards a fast recovery and long term planning.

Sovereignty and self-sufficiency of a nation or individual, is directly linked with the basic necessities like; food, water, energy, health, education, and opportunities. The more self-reliant and prosperous a nation can be towards its citizens, the more that society and its Citizens can survive and thrive. The Land of the Nation needs to be a Resource and Opportunity for All. With sacred Native lands respectfully acknowledged.

V) Our Future Today

We now live in an age where technology of communication can be harnessed by every person on the planet. From the might of Kings and Popes, to decrees by the aristocracy and political class, the voice of authority has been unchallenged because the People could not instantly communicate with each other. Representative Democracy is just a step towards the greater goal of true Freedom and Liberty.

Only with modern technology and communication has it been possible for ever and any single person to voice an idea and be instantly heard by every soul across the planet, until now. The freedom of knowledge, ideas and speech with the proliferation of knowledge has never been witnessed by civilization until now. We are living in a new time in history, the time for action is NOW.

We can all see that our world needs new systems. We don’t need to destroy anything, we need to utilize the systems that work and adjust the ones that don’t. We all have ideas. We all need a system where the best ideas can be organized by our local and larger governments, with the People deciding what’s best for their lives.  The voice and ideas of every single individual can be heard across the world, and replied to or voted on by everyone else. Now the best ideas, not individual representatives of government, can be heard by all, debated and refined, and then be the direction and agenda of the People. The Representatives should be Administrators of the Peoples’ Will, disabling corruption.

Technology is ready for the best ideas to be voiced then actualized into existence. Democracy of the People is ready to take the next step towards real freedom from corruption, and to be directed by of our collective instincts and best solutions. Human nature wants to learn, create and explore new ideas. Imagine a world where ideas and solutions could be refined to the highest levels of functionality, if these systems could be implemented in open-source or block-chain style oversight and accountability. The accessibility, quality and economic benefits and incentives could be managed by the best ideas in long term goals, and not by corruptible or entrenched Representatives.

The total benefits of Earth and the human genius in us all could be heard by all, giving each of us a true Voice in Democracy and our daily lives. Imagine the Earth in a larger perspective than one lifetime, as a self-sustaining spaceship, hurtling thru time, space and consciousness. Now think about the potential Humanity could reach if given real opportunities with freedom to grow, with technology for sustainability.

VI) The Problem

One thing is certain; the Corporations, Banks and other ‘entities’ have corrupted the Governments of the world at the Peoples’ expense of opportunities and the lives of everyone on the planet, from impoverish indigenous cultures to debt servitude of the Masses. And, We the People need to recognize that these ‘systems’ and ‘Institutions’ are an illusion of authority. These ‘institutions’ have been built from the People and it is time for them to be openly managed and run By the People, For the Peoples’ Benefit.

Throughout time, it has always been the communal effort and ‘taxes of the masses’ which has built all of the modern major Institutions and Corporations. The hierarchy leads to the surviving Monarchies who own the Land, the Banks, the Corporations, the Institutions, and all of the Opportunities of the People.

The Age of Monarchies and Authorities has run through its course and is coming to a chaotic end. The past Age of conquest has been at the expense of the People and Nature. The Resources of The Land (commodities, real estate, recreation…) can be rebuilt at amazing speeds and incredible design, if the right ideas could be realized. The Land utilized to let Nature rebuild its-self, with our help managing water, energy, the Resources, and the seasons… most Forests could be transformed back into a Natural paradise full of resources, with small local communities managing every river system and all natural ecosystems, built with long term sustainability of living with Nature in mind.

The Institutions like agriculture, manufacturing, finance, education, medicine and governance that feeds, shelters and cares for humanity, is the engine that drives the rest of our society and civilization. These Institutions have become the fortunes of the elites thru selfish and corrupt means. Every person does contribute to the larger world we share. The Marxist propaganda has become a fact, where corporations and the government are operating for profit, against the People they claim to serve. And the propaganda of capitalism has become fact that the Socialist history is so corrupt because of its beginnings.

Society has reached a tipping point where monolithic Institutions and Corporations control the basic destiny of 99.999% the People. By organizing and sharing the responsibilities of these Institutions, the People can build any civilization it care to try.

Only through a collective effort to find the best ideas and solutions to our mutual problems, can peace and justice be found. And by allowing every soul to reach their full human potential, we help each other create a better world for everyone.

We can see that the earth’s resources and majesty have been abused to the brink of despair. Nightmare scenarios from science fiction seem to be coming true to life. Artificial intelligence, robot automation of labor, jobs and ‘the means’ of production and wealth, are about to make drastic changes to our world. We need to have a vision of a world where the People have more time and resources for personal growth and development. With the right opportunities, every soul will strive for a better and more productive Life.

We need to be free from the shackles of inefficient government, labor and resources, and create a society which focuses to educate and raise humanity towards a greater Purpose and connection to Creation. Recognizing that every soul is on the same journey towards greater accomplishments is the first step to connecting to the greater Reality. Only with the wisdom of living a less selfish life, with more thoughtful understanding and actions, can we raise the quality of life for everyone. There are countless opportunities for all the wants and needs in life after the basics are provided for all People and Nature. We can create systems, where corporations facilitate progress but with limits to the detriment of civilization. The loopholes, corruption and greed can be sorted out with exposure and reconciliation. All injustice can me made good, with fair and peaceful cooperation towards a greater good.

VII) The bigger picture

The time has come for Humanity to live in peace and prosperity, which can be had by all. An end to wars of economy and might. An era of turning swords into plowshares to feed and provide for the world. We have entered a new era in time where technology and communication is bringing light to a greater Truth and Realization of our past and potential. The obvious wish and goal of Humanity is Peace, Happiness and Opportunity for ourselves and our communities.

If lesser life forms like insects, birds and fish can unite and work together imagine what humanity could accomplish if we were free from working just to pay our bills? If all our basic needs were available while providing education and opportunities in uplifting and managing society towards even greater goals? There is a world of opportunities for everyone to succeed and those who are Happy with the minimum. Humans are social animals and will follow the trends of a ‘greater good’. The strength is in the numbers, the opportunity is with uniting together.

The Natural cycle of grasslands to shrubs, then to oaks, and finally pines and other conifers, can be stages to regrow the now barren mountainsides. What would take Nature 10,000 years to reach the Old Forest that was here, can been cultivated by the People in 50-100 years. It is an opportunity to build an infrastructure which can work with Nature and the needs of a future world. With economic agriculture, water storage and facilitating the natural ecosystems like fish migrations, we can design and build a utopia that can provide food, water and other resources. At the same time working with Nature to provide for human opportunities, we expedite the regrowth of natural ecosystems and health of the planet.

The collective effort of the masses that destroyed Nature in 100 years can rebuild it in less than 50 with proper management. The Coasts are the first step to the eventual restoration of inland ecosystems.The new technologies can free humanity from a mundane waste of time and existence. Debt slavery has held humanity captive from our true nature of creators and thinkers. With the correct knowledge, it is our human nature to grow and be alive and filled with good health and a positive attitude. Our human greatness is in our ability to create anything we can imagine. Most people are happy with staying at home and relaxing, that can be easily provided but guided towards the greater aspirations we all share inside our souls goals…

A society which provides life’s essential needs like food, energy, medicine, education and more importantly time for each and every person’s individual pursuits and passions in Life. The corporate model of Capitalism, and the Communist conspiracy, has failed as predicted, but why destroy the world we live in to ruins?

The infrastructure of society is already built, and can be harnessed by a transparent and incorruptible Government, which is organized to provide a Greater Good for society and the uplift of the People. This can only be done with a pragmatic and positive focus. The People need to organize their ‘Voice’ at the most local level. Starting with the communities around you, a simple message and thoughtful conversations can create a better world. We need to organize for a new era of peace and prosperity for all. Let the best ideas win, and the problems will disappear.

VIII) The Options

So many ideas need to be filtered down. Starting with big picture ideas, discussions and problems is a difficult task. A great solution method towards most any problem, is to start from the beginning and work on one thing at a time. First step that We need to take is to first take responsibility for our-selves, our knowledge, our words, and our actions. We need to look at what is worth the time and where to focus our time.

There are many distractions and obstacles that can easily distract. But with the Big Picture that each and every individual can bring to make a community better, then those ideas need to be expressed. Then we need to look for options, opinions and directions that we can contemplate and discuss with each other, to find pragmatic solutions to allow the most freedom and opportunity, while protecting our common interests and needs. Then, if we work together on these goals as a community, We will be putting our words into action. We all have common wants and needs, and the time to share Resources for everyone’s benefit. We can unite with the people we agree with, and work towards making our common goals succeed.

The easiest way that any community and its People can create reform, opportunities, more available property, and the end of all other taxes, is to enact a Land Value Tax. Most of the prime real estate in the World is owned and controlled by very few, and hold a tight grip on economic control.

There are many ideas like ending the Federal Reserve, or returning to the ‘gold standard’ for our currency. Regulating and Nationalizing the Stock Market as a function of the Treasury for the ‘Greater Good’, like economic direction and oversight. The Natural Resources and Services, of the Land could be built as a Public Good for recreation and food resources.

All corporate farmland and properties could be taxed or Nationalized as a Resource of the People. Why do corporations always get supported by taxes, collect all revenues, and get bailed out by more tax money after they cause huge problems.  Any industry or individual who has received tax money or profited by insider corporate money, should face proscription of all their families wealth. Institutions subsidized by taxes like the medical, educational, agricultural should be Nationalized as a basic Resource for its citizens. Like the Roman Empire gave every Citizen bread and wine, so they could at least help themselves in the minimum existence. World society’s scale is so abundant, that no person should have to steal for food, medicine or education. It is the corruption of salesmen and politicians who are to blame.

A future economy and society based on Natural Resources of Land is essential. With long term goals and infrastructure the US National Resources could provide for everyone’s needs. We have the People and ability to rebuild the Natural Ecosystems with communities in mind. We should develop work opportunities to manage the National Forests and Land Resources. While at the same time building the infrastructure for new super-efficient living, integrated with smaller farms which are supported with Nature. Local and National Eco-Projects as work, rehabilitation, and educational opportunities. More people could have opportunities to build skills, add to the lives of their families and communities. By creating new opportunities of careers and land ownership, any initial investment can be projected to succeed in the long run.

money land and create new opportunities.  Nature and the seasons, to provide surplus food, work and recreational needs. .As well, the corporations and financial institutions own too much ‘private’ land, which could be the infrastructure as new private property ownership to more People. Public infrastructures, managed locally, built around Natural Ecosystems and Resources, as ‘work-programs’ to uplift all society’s people.

and all the World, only 100 years ago were filled with Nature, now they are mostly desert grasslands for a few cows to roam. This can easily be done with a Land Use Tax. Look up

The People need to invest in new communities built around restoring Nature to its prime condition, while providing opportunities for millions of People, today and in the future. Corporations and the whole economy should be directed towards the long term goals of society. To create and establish the Resources of the People’ Land and Labor and build and maintain these Institutions to be self-sustaining and an automatic ‘Voice and Will of the People’. We can create all the opportunities of work, education, food, building communities generation after generation.

Some corporations, non-profit, Universities, Utilities, Land Trusts and other ‘taxed sponsored’ Resources, could and should be Nationalized and utilized For and Of the People. The People’s labor and management could provide education and opportunities for skill building, rehabilitation, restitution and all Public Services Of the People. Big Public Works programs could be created to rebuild the Forests, Oceans and Farm Land to provide the basic essentials of a quality Life every soul deserves. Prison and social development programs to uplift those in need with services and opportunity. Taxes paid by the Peoples time, effort and value building and maintaining the infrastructure and services of the Nation. Utilize human and community labor and management towards the longevity of Society, Nature and Earth’s resources.

The great social experiment of The Constitution of the United States of America has been one of the most profound evolution is to protect the Peoples’ rights of Freedom and Security. This greatness is due to the framers foresight of Checks and Balances to ensure the abuses of government powers could be regulated. The Constitution is called a ‘living document’ because it was designed to continue to evolve as time demanded.

New checks and balances can be drafted into the Constitution to work with the existing Rule of Law. The Universities should be the Forum and facilitators of ideas, debate, and greatest minds to organize and establish a new form of Democracy. A Democracy where each voice can be heard, and the wheel-work of management of Government to be 1005 Visible, Accessible and Operated by the People.

A system of taxes could be the Labor of the Citizens in work projects and administrative duties. A system which could teach and give opportunities by land management and other Resource employed and operated by the People.

An alternative system of taxes could be levied from the Labor and administration of ‘Work Projects’ of the Citizens time. A system which could teach and give skill building opportunities to the under-serviced citizens. This Resource of human organization to expedite large scale ecological and community building projects could transform our Nation into a thriving economy. With organization of the People, a National Militia is formed. The National and local security needs could be organized into action at an need. A National Labor Force could operate as the road crews, infrastructure engineers and builders, which could manage land and utility projects, along with other Resource employment needs like lumber. A perfect system would tap into skills of all levels of the Citizens, to create, manage and operate all of our human needs, and provide opportunities for every person to pay their fair share towards sustaining society.


  • We the People recognize that the current Governments in and Of the United States is no longer effective as a useful Voice of the People. The Will of the People has become dependent on a failed system which now serves the special interests of the few. The Three Branches of our Federal Government has been corrupted by waste and inefficient management, and we declare a new 4th Branch of Government, a ‘Citizen’s Forum’ which will interact with the Judiciary, Legislative and Executive Branches, with new technologies of communication. By organizing our neighborhoods and communities with a Public ‘Citizens Forum’ to organize and voice our concerns and ideas, then the real Opinions and Agenda of the People can be declared. By means of local and collective Forums, we can discuss and debate the solutions to any problem through Referendums and Initiatives, and in very real time. A shareware block-chain type forum / social media could organize the collective ‘Voice of the People” to follow the natural voice of peace and happiness we all want. This Citizens’ Union and Forum shall be a mechanism for Direct Representative Government and grant Ultimate Authority of Individual Rights to each Sovereign Citizen of the US or the World. By uniting the Peoples’ Voice at local and community levels first, We can raise the standards, agreed upon by each with community action as well.. This Citizen’s Forum will work conjunction with each branch of Government, but have a Superseding authority above all, with a major majority Voice of the Community.
  • Due to current world financial hegemony, We the People, declare immediate search and seizure of all Financial Institutions, including but not limited to; Banks, Corporations, Money Markets, all Governments, Government Representatives and Government Contracts, until all Assets can be audited. All assets under this seizure will be investigated and appropriated to all rightful owners and the People. All General and Natural Resources that have been funded by the People, will be allocated to a Government Trust as a Resource of the People, including all Human, Industrial and Natural Assets. The Treasury Department will operate and manage all aspects of the Resources of the People in a 100% visible and accountable manner. All National economic decisions will be the decision of the People and shall be Public Record and open knowledge in a Balanced Budget with zero debt. The Government is the only Real Estate owner of Land and only Lender the the People for Property.
  • All shared Resources of the People including; Natural Resources (forests, oceans, minerals) energy, food, water, natural, human, educational, medical and industrial will be managed in continuity to benefit current and future livelihood of all People and the natural ecosystems of the Planet. All subsidize ‘Institutions’ like Universities, Hospitals and Corporate Agriculture will be Nationalized as a Resource of the People. In recognizing that the Earth is the sources of our livelihood on the planet, an economy of restoring our planet is top priority.
  • All Government involved Business shall be 100% Recorded, Visible and Accessible to the People. All Representatives and Business involved in Government Activities shall be voluntary and strictly administrative. A Tax Value of labor, skills and specialties of the People should substitute the financial taxing of the People. All Taxes are generated by a Land Use Tax, to manage Natural Resources.
  • Governments and their Policies shall be prioritized towards the most localized level. Where a larger Policy is needed, the concerned Communities will then organize towards a cooperative solution. We don’t need infinite amount of laws. If simple Laws could be agreed upon by the Larger Society, then Local Laws could be refined to more minor communities. . Start with the 10 largest societal categories like; social needs (health, food, education), commodities and resources (land mgmt., natural resources, air quality), liberty (rehabilitation, rights)…. privatize the market/job economy, with minimal government involvement. Government as open oversight of the Peoples’ Will. A re-evaluation of all current laws will be decided by the People, by Forums, Referendums and Initiatives.

… please add your own suggestions and get the discussion going. Thoughts, Words and Actions can change the world into a paradise for all. Imaging if everyone was free to enjoy life and the robots could provide all labor demands to free humanity???

Discuss and Act for a ‘US Constitutional Convention of the States’, and we can all thrive together…

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