This is a call to all Sovereign Souls, Conscious Beings, and Spiritual Warriors, who are here to help create a better world.

A call to all seekers of Eternal Truth,

The world is awakening to a reality, that is more than We have been told.

If you are on this path towards the greater Good… please join us in the Revolution-of-Consciousness.

Our planet is going through a cosmic shift.

People are waking up to a world, ruled by corruption and illusion, which has destroyed too many lives, and brought the planet, to the brink of collapse.

Technology and inequity, are pushing evolution into a future of extreme scenarios.

Are we on a hopeless path, doomed to a dark future?


What if that is not our FATE?

The Bible, the Mayan Calendar, Age of Aquarius and other prophesies confirm a new and better world is upon us.

Is it simply fate? Or can we control our destiny?

How can some people live to the fullest, while others are trapped in a reality they can’t escape?

Great people are exceptional because of one thing.

They first believe in themselves, then others believe in them, then the imaginary is made real.

Each had a vision, and then took action to bring that vision alive.

But, our hope for a great leader or savior is becoming harder to believe…


As time cycles out of darkness and into a Revolution Of Light, ignorance and injustice have been exposed to a World Consciousness.

Our lives and our world, are on the edge of greatness or failure.

But, we cannot change the world around us, until we can take control our own lives.

We must first look inward, and find our soul,  feel in our heart, and escape the illusions built to hold us down.

“Know thyself” was Socrates’ greatest advice, because under the self is the soul, and the soul is connected to all.

Most ancient cultures are rooted in a super-natural reality where every creation had a spiritual energy.

Great religions teach that every soul in existence has a very special Purpose and connection to a greater power.

We have been taught these things are mythology, superstition, or imagination.

But, modern testimonials about deep meditation, near death-out-of-body experiences, past lives and lucid dreaming, show consciousness is connected to other dimensions.

Dance, music, drugs, trance, or sensory and sleep deprivation can reveal other dimensional experiences, for our souls can explore.

Our bodies are the spaceship for our Spirits to experience both, the earthly and spiritual realms.

But, the greatest experience is connecting to the Higher Power of God in the Universe.

Higher meditation has thousands of benefits for health and healing, conscious living, or realizing our unlimited human potential.

This Spirit Realm is a magical and inseparable part of existence, though few ever realize it.


Rulers across history have tried to control the knowledge and privilege of this Spirit Realm, hiding it from the common People.

And, Science is just starting to understand that consciousness is an inseparable energy in individual electrons, atoms, cells, and our bodies, allowing those Souls to experience this interconnected reality.

Consciousness is an unexplained energy which connects this material world to the invisible Spirit Realm in an energy we still don’t understand, but has very real effects.

Simply by observation and intention, this energy of consciousness can be utilized with the cosmic energy of all consciousness.

This conscious energy connects us to each other, and everything else in the Universe.

This energy can be used to communicate with our body, or to cause an effect in the world.

Only with personal experience can the Spirit Realm and conscious energy be understood.

And only with meditation and understanding can we access our latent powers, immortal knowledge, and the eternity of the soul.

The time tested vehicle to explore this Spirit World has always been prayer and meditation.

If prayer is talking to God, then meditation is listening.

For thousands of years the language used to describe these higher realizations of meditation were hidden by stories and allegories, which either describe these esoteric experiences, or describe how the work.

Practices like Kundalini Yoga or Daoist Neidan inner alchemy are well discussed, but hardly understandable without the experience and explanation.


SELF-MASTERY is the art of knowing who you are, what you are, and why you are here…

Age old advice says that the answers lie within, and the outer world reflects our inner self.

The natural instinct of all is to follow this path of Happiness, Light, Truth, Peace and Understanding.

This wisdom which brings eternal happiness.

Once you understand yourself, creating the Reality you want is accomplished in every thought, word and action you make, and with loving certainty.


Once we recognize who we really are, then we can master the world around us.

The genuine spirit of the People and all of Nature is being heard, and it is a spirit of, peace, love and unity.

We need to join together as an energy of super-consciousness to change our world into a heaven on earth for all.

We are Eternal souls, here for a greater Purpose than most people realize.

Are you ready to fulfill your Purpose?

  • explores ancient and modern esoteric wisdoms, traditions and practices of higher meditation or inner alchemy.

The goal is to help others understand and experience higher levels of consciousness, fifth-dimensional living, and awakened reality.

Existence is the miracle in the cosmos, and your soul is a very special part of existence.

This is the true wisdom of enlightenment.

As a community of sovereign souls, we welcome you in this spiritual experience of a lifetime!

Please join us at to help share this wisdom and vision.

After you find Purpose in your life, then you can add more to Life and the greater Purpose of the Universe.

After spiritual self-realization, Everything in your Universe will depend on YOU.  

The Revolution-of-Consciousness has just begun, with you….