Meditation is often considered to mean being mindful. This is true in the West, but in the East there is a very different view of the term meditation or mindfulness. In the West, mindfulness means to be thoughtful or conscious of our thoughts, words and actions we make in our daily lives. But, in the East mindful has direct correlation with being thoughtful of the Spirit existence in everything, or being mindful of god. In the East, as well as many indigenous cultures there is an all pervading respect and observance with everything in Life.
The definition of meditation should be synonymous with observation, because meditation can be applied to many things. There are 1000s of different traditions, types, techniques, levels, goals and effects of meditation, but all require observation as the main focus. Concentration in sports, work or art is definitely meditation, just with focus on the body/mind interacting with the external world. Western culture uses observation as the basis for scientific discovery to ask and answer all its questions. Eastern traditions have also used observation to understand the world around us, but they also explored the universe within. They say the inner universe is more important than the outer, because it is the inner universe that creates our Reality.
One of the first things that must be mentioned is that the entire experience of meditation, or greater Reality, first depends on your intentions. If your intentions are selfish, doubtful, unfocused, or dishonest, then those distractions will block the higher dimensional experiences. The higher spiritual experience are said to be Good, and free from selfish intent, confusion or dualistic divisions. If your intentions are open, optimistic and not pre-determined, then so will be the results.
There is a big difference between meditation and higher meditation. Meditation is a practice of focus, a practice of observation, and a practice of self-control. Higher meditation usually happens after you know how to meditate, what to focus on, and have the discipline to control the distractions. Meditation for spiritual growth is about learning the knowledge of what is happening with the soul and the Universe. By experiencing the practice at each step, we can reach the higher experiential dimensions as described in religions. The higher experiences open up our knowledge about the many dimensions the world really works in. The experience is commonly described as understanding the bigger picture of why the Universe exists, and it is commonly said to live in love. Love for ourselves and each other, love for our world and all of creation, and the love to give of ourselves because it helps everything else. Sitting quiet in meditation eventually allows us to feel the differences between all the many different energies and direct them wherever our intention goes.
The human mind-body is light years more advanced than modern science can understand. The human body is a complex system of nerves, hormones, electrical and chemical energy exchanges, and our soul’s consciousness is the driver. The body is like the most expensive exotic car, built by God made for our soul to experience the material world for a very short amount of time. Science as barely began to explore the multi-variable language of interactions from our body’s hormones. The endocrine system, which is barely understood by modern science, is essential for our souls to witness the experiences of higher conscious. Modern pharmacology admits they are in the elementary stages of how the human mind works, or the drugs they used to manipulate our brain chemistry. The variables are too overwhelming and the chemical language too subtle to have any kind of objective conclusion. Science knows the human body is the most advance super-computer in the Universe, they just don’t know how it works. Drugs, meditation, dance, trance, sounds, lights and vibrations are some of the ‘plug-ins’ that allow us to hack into these extraordinary systems to unleash our human potential. Meditation is free, predictable, and does not need any exterior support to unlock the reactions. If we can understand how the mind and body works, we can actualize our latent abilities with our intention. Scientific studies have shown that just pure intention can affect the results of any experience, and it all starts with pure observation.
Science rumors that we only use 10% of our brains. What if we could access the other 90%? What if we could dramatically increase our natural Heavenly abilities, like the religious stories of our ancient ancestors? The short answer is, if you can experience the inner worlds of the body, mind and soul, first with observation, then you can ultimately practice and strengthen any super-power you may have. The super-abilities of people to survive in environmental extremes or thrive beyond others imaginations both have one thing in common… those individuals had such extreme focus that they transcended the usual mental restraints which hold most people back. Prolific artist, athletes and geniuses all transcend the usual restraints which seem unimaginable to most. Each person on the planet as unique and individual talents that don’t fall into the commercial realm of finance or success, and those efforts help make a better world. Conscious living is the solution to most of the world’s problems.
What about health? It’s a shame to think that so many people that will never know the enjoyment that Good health brings. Most people’s bodies are in such bad shape from the physical and mental abuses of society and the toxins in the environment. Along with the degradation of our society’s morals and ethics, it’s a sad fact of history that we are the unhealthiest species on the planet. The good news is that the body will automatically try to heal itself all the time, inside or out, physical, emotional or spiritual… the body wants us to be healthy and happy. It’s a crazy sad fact that the world is so poisoned by chemicals including phthalates, which bleed out of plastics into our food, water, clothing and every else on the planet, and now all children are being born with extremely dysfunctional hormonal and reproductive development. We have the technology, human capability and Industries already in place to rebuild our world to be a paradise for every creature alive. But we need to be conscious of how the systems really work, and then focus our intention on what is Good, and even the planet can be healed.
Initially, sitting in silent meditation is just practice of self-control. When you can ignore the distractions of thinking, or the pains in the body, that’s when a different conscious level is experienced. The brain has many parts and functions, but the two main divisions for understanding meditation are the inner brain, and the outer brain. The outer brain controls our sensory functions, stores all our memories, and does the active thinking of our daily life. The inner brain starts with the limbic system and goes thru the brain stem, which is then rooted out as different nervous systems and connects the organs. It is the inner brain that regulates the body and is directly connected to our endocrine system.. The saying ‘listen to your heart’ has real implications, because the heart produces and distributes powerful hormones to the rest of the body, and is considered by some to have a ‘thinking’ consciousness, like the brain, telling us how to act thru our emotions. The heart is the mind of the emotional body and tells us if we are happy or sad, and if things are good or bad.
At the most basic levels of quiet internal meditation, you can observe your body and mind to calm down, or to energize yourself thru breathing techniques, like fire breath. If your observation is sharp enough, you will be able to feel the subtle workings of your mind and body, but in the deepest meditation you can observed the internal body so acutely, you can then begin to strengthen and eventually control your body in ways science now deems impossible. With a little effort and the right focus, you can feel your heart beat, or feel the individual hairs on your body. With even more practice, you can follow your inner world to reveal each and every nuance the body or mind creates, inside or out. In higher meditation, there really is a lot of multi-tasking of things to watch, but with enough practice, the effort is reduced by the habit of repetition, that why it’s best to first keep the focus very simple by just watching the breath.
The Daoist Neidan inner alchemy and the Yogas of the Upanishads try to explain the many different layers of energies and interactions within our bodies and out in the Universe. These energies can be seen at different resolutions of dimensions and in different systems in our world, like the scale of the atom vs. the solar system. These energy systems overlap each other and are sometime difficult to separate. There are similarities with how the energy moves, and as one energy moves so do the others, like how radio signals use carrier waves as the vehicle for information of different energy frequencies. Once these subtle influences in the different energies can be understood and experienced, then they can be discerned, harnessed and activated.
The body’s endocrine system can cause a chain reaction of chemical energy for the body in times of stress or time of relaxation. These chemicals are released in different amounts as our emotions changes. Meditation is the art of controlling and strengthening these systems. The benefits of meditation are endless and the more realization that are discovered, then the more powerful we become, lol. For instance, the Thymus gland produces our lifetime supply of the regenerative T-cells and only grows when we are children. T-cells allow the body to regenerate and repair any kind of cell in the body throughout our lives; a boosted supply during childhood will exponentially increase health and longevity. Studies also conclude that children who meditate are more thoughtful, intelligent, creative and happy. The early years are when children’s brains and personality are formed and the growth potential is greatest. If children are taught how to think and how to control their minds and bodies, maybe they will be conscious about their environment. Maybe the world might get better within a few generations.
The body’s physiological changes during meditation and higher meditation are too vast and too complex to relay in a short description, but several big changes do happen to our bodies. Meditation is the art of quieting down the distractions of our outer brain, and is the secret to reaching new experiences. When you can focus on the single object for an extended time, then the outer brain basically gets shut off, and the inner brain, which is tied to our primordial inner conscious, can be witnessed. The external brain is the thinking and sensory brain, it stores a lot of memory and is very active in the material world. The inner brain is the older primordial- evolutionary brain which controls most of the autonomic systems, and is tied into how the body can regulate itself during extreme conditions. The inner brain is the master control, which holds the secrets to reaching magical realities, and is called the ‘reptilian’ brain because of its ancient physiological development. The third eye is so powerful that some ancient reptiles and birds have a third eye that as projected thru their foreheads to be exposed to external world, called the Parietal Eye.
When the outer brain is quieted down, then the inner conscious soul can be experienced without the distractions and conditioning from society. It is a lost art in the modern world, but with consistent time spent meditating, anyone can start to experience the more subtle difference of the spirit realm and the material world. As well, the outer brain is a filter to the inner brain in a few different ways. Once the material world is filtered out and we can experience the spiritual, the Universe opens up to becoming more of a dream-like reality. Similar to the Matrix and other Hollywood stories, with the right knowledge of the consciousness, our true soul can be realized. Our brain is a product of our environment, and the experiences we are exposed to are what affect our decisions in Life. Our conscious decisions are mostly under the influence of the external world thru our opportunities and experiences, good and bad. Meditation allows us to take control of the body, mind, soul and our journey through time, controlling our perspective, our reactions and our happiness. Our conscious genius, imagination and ingenuity are eternal and boundless, time is the real limiter, but at the end of time, humans probably can create anything imaginable.
Meditation is the only direct route to self-mastery. Our conscious experience over the impermanence of the external world is that true mastery. At our human level, we are by far more advanced than any other creature, as if it was a miracle of nature, or created by the gods, or created by our own experience. The miracles of meditation and observation is heard in the testimonies of mystical experiences, and talked about as powers of the Spirit Realm. Those stories have transcended history and cultures and are the foundations of our most ancient cultures. Western science says the spirit realm does not exist because it cannot be measured and reproduced scientific observations… The question then is, was there electricity before we could measure it? Meditation is a practice that integrates the tangible with the intangible. It is a lost art which has as many different results as there are different people on the planet. There is no accurate way to explain or tell about the higher meditation experiences except by direct experience. Maybe, scientists who claim the spirit world does not exist, only say that because they are not observant enough to witness or understand it.
One of the main differences between successful people and unsuccessful people is the differences between knowing who you are and what you want, and not knowing. The great philosopher Socrates, and countless others have said, to know thyself was the greatest pursuit. Meditation is that pursuit. Meditation can be practiced in every activity in life if you are focusing you concentration. The effort of higher meditation is to remove all distractions of the material world from your mind, and focus all observation to more subtle details of the body. Take it to the next level by concentrating on the very small and subtle energies, blockages, and paths of less resistance. Every breath you take can dial in the improvements in your life. Start noticing each and every moment of life with an outlook as an observer of the situation and you will start to see very subtle clues in the spirit world. Life is full of distractions to keep us from finding true happiness. Turning off the distractions by turning inward into our consciousness has been proven to be one of humankind’s greatest achievements. The Ancient Wisdom tells us we can find all the answers to all problems, if we look inside. Then we will understand. We can understand our soul’s purpose with zero doubt. We can understand how to follow our conscious voice to avoid mistakes and regrets. We can start living a life without suffering…
They say that, if prayer is talking to God, then meditation is listening’. Science is the art of observation in the world around us. Meditation, in its essences, is the art of observing the internal worlds within our self. Meditation is the science of witnessing our subtle mental and physical reaction. As limitless as the subjects of nature can be divided, so too can the depth and complexity our our souls be revealed. With the correct wisdom and techniques, a reality of different dimensions can be observed. Layers of reactions, interactions and causes, can all be experienced, understood and utilized, leading us to greater fulfillment of our souls’ eternal journey forward. The spiritual journey has many paths to reach the top of the mountain.
History records many tradition and techniques to enter ‘the Spirit Realm’. Meditation, the correct knowledge and a well lived life can answer most all of our individual problems. And a life lived in recognition of the ‘Spirit Realm’ not only can make life more interesting, but also allow us to transcend the illusions of the earthly traps.
The Revolution-of-Consciousness examines history and traditions of how to hack into the body’s dormant powers to unlock the realization of ‘the second’ birth’. To experience Reality and life in deeper perceptions and interactions with the world around. These natural abilities are awake in saints, sages and savants, or sometimes in life threatening situations. Once understood, these ‘powers’ can elevate life to the next level, in small and large way by your mental recognition and control. It is a combination of many different ancient techniques and ideas from the world’s only two ancient cultures which have continued into modern times, in antiquity they were known as the Far East, the lands of China and India. This is the knowledge which the Shaolin monks use to turn the alchemaic body, mind and soul from lead into gold.
After searching thru the world’s available eastern esoteric traditions, there are many common links to western esoteric traditions. We will discover the ancient spiritual symbols and allegories connecting Eastern Symbolism to the Western science and physiology to unlock the miracles that lay dormant within us all. This knowledge has been kept secret from the common people by both Eastern and Western elites, but the word is getting out.
Before we get into transcendental meditation, there are some important things to know about how the Universe works and how we are part of that big picture. The intellectual wisdom, the logic that explains; consciousness, transmigration, God, atomic theory and more are all found in ancient India’s prolific stories and tales. It is said that every possible human thought, word or possibility is found in the other volumes of India’s literature, and that if we live in accordance with some of the inarguable ‘Truths’, then we can reach a greater level of experience in our lives. A great majority of wisdom from ancient India, or Bharat, describes our human experience to be comparable to god-like in their deepest meaning. This realization is said to unlock our soul, releasing us from a bondage of ignorance. There are countless teachings and teachers, but a great modern online teacher of this wisdom is Swami Sarvapriyananda who was a disciple of Swami Vivekananda and taught Nikola Tesla all about the Universe.
The other foundational wisdom of the ancient East is based in Daoism, China’s oldest explanation of how the Universe, and everything in ‘It’ works together. Daoism starts with the principle that the Universe was created as a unified and complete whole, but then divides from that completeness into separate pieces. Like many religions, Daoism seeks to understand and reunite the separate pieces back into a whole. Daoism is China’s original spiritual practice, long before Buddhism or any other theologies were introduced, making it the closest and simplest understanding of the complex connection we share with the Universe.
It is said that all people and creatures are born into different stages in the evolutionary spiritual journey with each lifetime. Some are meant to have lives filled with confusion and challenges, some filled with rewards and understanding. And that everyone has a different understanding of life’s meanings and a different Purpose in their soul’s eternal journey. But at the same time we all have common wants and needs. Each of us is an inseparable part of the existence around us, each of us causing a chain reaction of energy and circumstances, which has become a lost and forgotten Reality to most people. These ancient ideas are big picture wisdom, not some petty words, names or dates. Just follow your own path with good intention and the understanding that you have more Purpose in life than what we have been told. Every single person will get a different message from this ancient wisdom, just follow the path that feels right to you that helps others more than yourself, and the Universe / God will enter your life.
For those who have the open mind to believe in things that have not yet manifested. And for those who believe that a better world is needed before the very planet we live on is in complete ruin. For those who want to make a positive difference in their personal lives and the future of all humanity…. This site is for you.
As civilization continues to evolve and change,we are faced with an old systems that are no longer working. We live in a world which the natural resources of the planet have been squandered by a corrupt and unjust system which is now operated by an illusion of corporate and bureaucratic governance.
What if new ideas could spread through the mindset of the masses, which could help civilization evolve into a more just, fair and equitable local and global community?
What if those ideas could reveal to each and every conscious soul, not only the purpose and reason for their existence, but also the absolute sovereignty of their soul, life and existence?
What if those ideas were once already known in humanity’s ancient cultures, and have been suppressed for over 2000 years? A time when people of every culture lived in harmony with each other and the planet, with respect and dignity.
The world is awakening to a Reality, which is more than meets the eye. And as western science starts to understand ancient eastern ideas, the world is entering a time of unprecedented technological advancement. The proliferation of knowledge, accessibility of information and communication, and new ideas can save humanity, or enslave our future.
Humanity is at the dawn of a new era in our progression as a species and as individual souls. We are faced with a world divided into conflicting wants and needs, depriving most to a life of shallow opportunities and meaning. A world controlled by old systems which have pasted their time..
The current world situation is so bad that We, The People, can no longer depend on a dysfunctional system which is destroying the planet and suppressing the world with fewer and fewer opportunities.
The systems and institutions that have created the world’s problems will never be the solution to those problems. The big problem is that the world is controlled by a system of elite profiteers, disguised as supra-national organizations. It has been the corruption between big business and representatives of the government, which has squandered the resources, opportunities and finances of the worlds population. The planet is dying, and we all need to raise up the Spirit of the World.
Truth is shedding light on the deception and illusions of politics, business, history and just about every other area of Life. A revolution of conscious attitudes, behavior and goals is at hand, and most conscious souls are feeling the call to create a better life worth living.
We are all looking for a solution to the problems we face together in this time of change. The solutions are to be found in a community organize by ideas and united for the mutual peace and happiness of all. is established to organize pragmatic solution to the problems we face in the spiritual and material battle for the freedoms of our souls.
This is a community of free thinking, sovereign conscious spirits, here on this planet to work for the progress of each of our individual souls, and for the greater progress of humanity on our shared spiritual journey.
Please feel free to visit this site as further blogs are regularly added, and a forum is available to continue the discussion.
No one person has all the answers to bring our planet back from the destruction it has endured, but a pragmatic community with suggestions from all, can add to the energy and ideas to heal our world.
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